Monday, September 6, 2010

Randy's Unfortunate Bicycling Adventure

On Sunday August 29th, Lorraine and I went on an excellent 30-mile bike ride, leaving from & returning to a park in rural West Lafayette. I was about a minute ahead of Lorraine as we returned to the park. When she arrived, I was out cold on the pavement, apparently having run into a speed bump inside the park and wrecking.

We assume that this is what happened since I have no memory of falling, no one saw me fall as well as the speed bump was not painted and was difficult to see, especially as I was wearing sunglasses and it was in deep shade. (The park management has promised me that it will be painted right away)

After an an ambulance ride, X-rays, Cat scans and many other tests showing three broken ribs, a broken clavicle (collar bone), concussion and a number of patches of "road rash". All the damage was on the right side and of course I am right handed. I spent two nights in the hospital before being sent home in essentially the condition shown. I shudder to think of what it would have been without a helmet! I will certainly need a new one! We have rented a hospital bed for home that I will use for the next few weeks. The outlook is six to eight weeks before being fully recovered.


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